

Our Mission is Clear

The 3I Effect is a personal and professional guide for everyone, from youngsters to working professionals, and married couples. Many people want to achieve success in their lives, however, only a few have a plan and even fewer have the gumption to act on that plan. This book is written with the motive to solve the staggering problem of inaction and gears the readers to channel their inner motivation to lead a well-rounded and successful life. It gives the readers a simple formula- Intent. Intelligence. Integrity.

What stands out about the book are the individual chapters dedicated to high school graduates, college students, job seekers, employees, leaders, and men and women in marriages. The ability of the writer to understand the psychology of individuals in different stages of life and the challenges they face; whilst providing real-time solutions and ideas to navigate the tumultuous waters of personal and professional life makes this book one of its kind.
The book establishes that success and wholesome existence are the results of simple actions practiced on an everyday basis because success is after all the by-product of intentional efforts made with intelligence and integrity.

Why should you read this book?

Practical Approach to Success 
  • Explore the practical application of the Success Mantra across various life stages. This program is tailored for individuals aspiring to lead successful, wholesome, and happy lives, built on the foundational belief that great leaders are devoted readers.
Tried and Tested Formula 
  • Uncover a tried and tested formula that applies seamlessly to every phase of life. This formula is designed for individuals traversing diverse paths, ensuring its universal relevance. Readers gain valuable insights for both personal and professional growth. 
Pertinent Solutions for Excellence
  • Discover practical solutions to overcome challenges and exhibit excellence in various life roles. This program guides readers to excel as students, employees, and spouses, emphasizing the pivotal role of Intent, Intelligence, and Integrity in achieving success.
Emphasis on Emotional Intelligence
  • Recognize the significance of building and harnessing emotional intelligence through the 3I Formula. This approach extends beyond professional success to inspire the next generation, fostering an environment that cultivates geniuses and sparks innovation.
"The book is a very well-written book and it’s recommended to everyone who wants to improve in overall areas of life."
Sangini V
"Really helpful book! Open any page and there is something for you to learn. It must be read if you want to live a wholesome life."